• Africa ESCR Platform

Building an ESCR NGO Community

Building an ESCR NGO Community

Platform for economic, social and cultural rights in Africa : Working together for the progressive realisation of of economic, social and cultural rights in Africa

In March 2017, Human Dignity launched the Francophone ESCR Platform (PDAF), the first network of Francophone NGOs committed to the protection and promotion of ESCR in Sub-Saharan Africa.

On July 29, 2020, the member organisations of the Platform decided to renew their commitment by adopting a Charter and Rules, which constitute the founding acts of the new collaborative relationships.

As the platform is intended to open up to new associations, the members also decided to change its name to Platform for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Africa also called the Platform DESC (PDESC). This renewed network is made up of 12 national NGOs working to promote and defend ESCR in Africa. 

The Platform aims to extend to NGOs working for the progressive realization of ESCR.  For more information on the platform membership procedure, please contact us at info@hdignity.org

Platform members

  1. Association mauritanienne des droits de l’Homme - Mauritania
  2. Centre de Documentation et de Formation sur les Droits de l’Homme (CDFDH)  - Togo                                              
  3. Coalition pour l'Éducation Pour Tous – BAFASHEBIGE - Burundi
  4. Collectif des Associations Contre l'Impunité au Togo (CACIT) - Togo
  5. Groupe Mamans Tabita - RDC  
  6. Human Dignity – organisation fondatrice et coordinatrice de la plateforme
  7. Initiative DESC - RDC
  8. Mouvement Populaire pour la Santé au Gabon - Gabon
  9. Réseau Progrès Et Développement Humanitaire du Niger (REPRODEVH) - Niger
  10. Réseau Ivoirien pour la Défense des Droits de l'Enfant et de la Femme (RIDDEF) – Côte d’Ivoire
  11. Société Internationale pour les Droits de l'Homme/ Section Sénégal (SIDH) - Senegal
  12. Syndicat national des agents de la formation et de l’éducation du Niger (SYNAFEN) - Niger

Our goals

  • Develop a regional movement for the promotion and defense of ESCR in Africa and thus contribute to the emergence of a collective voice in the matter
  • Promote and monitor the realisation of all ESCR in Africa by carrying out joint actions Propose corrective measures to contribute to the effective enjoyment of ESCR by all without discrimination
  • Contribute to the eradication of all discrimination against women and vulnerable groups in the enjoyment and exercise of their ESCR
  • Promote the visibility of the Platform and its members at national, regional and international levels
  • Strengthen the capacities of members in their understanding of human rights, in particular ESCR, in order to promote them, monitor them and demand their respect, protection and implementation by States
  • Share information on the activities, publications, initiatives of our members as well as national ESCR news
  • Discuss good practices and the difficulties of implementing ESCR at the national level
  • Promote networking and joint work between members

Our means of action

  • Documenting obstacles and challenges (health crisis, resources, level of development of countries, etc.) to the implementation of ESCR at the national level in order to reveal practices, measures and policies contrary to African and international instruments on ESCR 
  • Publishing reports, press releases, open letters on the realisation of ESCR at national and regional levels
  • Submit information and recommendations to States, non-state actors and African and international human rights monitoring mechanisms on ESCR realisation at national and regional levels
  • Advocate with national authorities, regional and international organisations, non-state actors so that reforms are adopted, corrective measures taken when ESCR are violated or undermined
  • Sensitize beneficiaries and partners of the Platform members , as well as the populations on their ESCR

Any other suitable means can be used to achieve the objectives of the platform.